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- Installiere brew und sshfs
- 1.installing brew
$/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/
- install/master/install.sh)„
- 2.installing wget
$brew install wget
- 3.install osxfuse and sshfs
$brew cask install osxfuse
$brew install sshfs - 4.local directory $mkdir ~/MatheWebPublic - 5.sshfs mounting with webserver $sshfs ag-prof@www.math.uni-sb.de:/exports/ag/ag-prof /Users/local/MatheWebPublic - 6.repeat last two steps for non public folders $mkdir ~/MatheWebNonPublic $sshfs ag-prof@www.math.uni-sb.de:/home/ag/ag-prof /Users/local/MatheWebNonPublic - 7.weblinks * https://brew.sh/index_de * https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-sshfs-to-mount-remote-directories-over- - ssh/ -